There’s been a lot of back and forth about how Final Cut Pro X (FCPX) has been accepted in the marketplace. Before its introduction, though Adobe had been making headway against Final Cut Pro 7 (FCP7), it’s fair to say that FCP7 had greater mindshare in the educational and professional educational community.
My own informal discussions with many educators and producers indicates that this has reversed. Yesterday, I chatted with Seth Bloombaum, an instructor in the Multimedia Program the Portland Community College, about precisely this issue. I know Seth because he uses my book, Video Compression for Flash, Apple Devices and HTML5 as a reference in some of his classes. Seth contacted me because he watched a tutorial I had created on round trip audio editing in CS5.5 and wanted to get his hands on the source footage.
I asked about his usage of the Adobe Creative Suite, and here’s what he said.
We’re running about 75 full CS licenses here in the Multimedia Program at Portland Community College. We surveyed employers when FCPX came out, several instructors talking to every editor and post house we knew. They all said roughly the same thing “We’ll stick with FCP7 until some new camera codec makes us update. We’ll probably go to Premiere when that happens.” Since then, it did happen, and most have gone to Premiere. We’re at the end of the transition now.
At our college, students still have access to FCP7/X, but we’re instructing on CS. This reflects the needs of regional employers, who mostly have transitioned from FCP7 to CS, skipping FCPX.
Obviously, this is just a single data point, but the work that Seth and his fellow instructors did to survey the professional community in Portland adds to its significance.