Ozer Releases Multiple Screen Delivery Course on Udemy

Just a quick note that I released a new course on encoding for Multiple Screen Delivery on Udemy for $29. For a limited time, you can buy the course for $24.99 by entering the coupon code MSD_book when you purchase, or by clicking here to buy the course.  

The course includes about 3 hours of lectures, starting with H.264 basics, and ending with specific recommendations about how to use HTML5, adaptive streaming technologies like HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and Flash, and Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), to deliver streams to computers, mobile devices, OTT devices and smart TVs. The class includes a full PDF copy of my book Producing Streaming Video for Multiple Screen Delivery

In the course, you will learn:

– How to encode videos for delivery to desktop, notebook, mobile and OTT devices.

– How to choose the optimal adaptive streaming technology for your delivery needs.

– How to configure all relevant H.264 encoding parameters for top video quality at the lowest possible bitrates.

– How to decide how and when DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) will fit into your development plans.

Regarding the course, June Chris Heider, one of the first students, commented, “After taking this course from start to finish I will say that it was one of the most informative 2.5 hours I’ve ever spent. The information was presented in a very structured and organized way and I enjoyed seeing the example screenshots and real world information from well-known companies that leverage streaming video at a production scale. The PDF downloads were a nice touch along with the coverages of some of the latest protocols and technologies such as DASH, SME and EME. I highly recommend this course!”

For more information about the course, including a detailed list of lessons, visit http://bitly.com/Encode4_MSD

About Jan Ozer

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I help companies train new technical hires in streaming media-related positions; I also help companies optimize their codec selections and encoding stacks and evaluate new encoders and codecs. I am a contributing editor to Streaming Media Magazine, writing about codecs and encoding tools. I have written multiple authoritative books on video encoding, including Video Encoding by the Numbers: Eliminate the Guesswork from your Streaming Video (https://amzn.to/3kV6R1j) and Learn to Produce Video with FFmpeg: In Thirty Minutes or Less (https://amzn.to/3ZJih7e). I have multiple courses relating to streaming media production, all available at https://bit.ly/slc_courses. I currently work as www.netint.com as a Senior Director in Marketing.

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