Check out my review in, where I found FCPX’s multicam feature “fabulous” and concluded:
Looking at the bigger picture, Apple deserves credit for delivering on a promise and doing a largely good job of it. Functionally, Final Cut Pro X can now get the job done for most event and other multicam intensive shooters, at least on the video editing side, if not DVD creation. For high-end TV or indie film producers, I can’t say. For most web producers, the answer is also probably yes.
Whether FCPX is a better tool than Adobe Creative Suite, Avid Media Composer, or Sony Vegas is an entirely different question for another day. Whether Final Cut Pro X is the best choice for those migrating from Final Cut Pro 7 is also an entirely different question. At the very least, for many producers, release 10.0.3 gets FCPX in the conversation.