I recently reviewed Singular Software’s Presto for OnlineVideo.net; you can read the review here. As the lead states:
Capturing and producing presentation videos typically involves multiple options, all of them bad. For example, you can frame wide and capture both the speaker and the projected slides, but then your speaker is tiny and the slides degraded. You can shoot closeup on the speaker and insert the slides manually, but this is time consuming and potentially error prone.
Or, you can purchase Singular Software’s Presto, which automatically combines high quality slides exported from your presentation program with footage of your speaker, and allows you to present them in a range of 2D and 3D layouts. The results are great from a quality perspective, though there are a couple of noteworthy caveats, particularly rendering time, which I detail below.
Here’s the presentation video I created with the software at a point that includes multiple template switches. Man, I gotta work on my presentation style.
Again, check out the review for all of the details.