Join Me at the Streaming Forum In London at a Discount!


Just a quick note to let you know that I’m speaking on two topics at the Streaming Forum later this month in London, and leading two roundtable discussions. 


On Tuesday, February 28th, at 11:30, I’ll present HEVC: Rating the contenders. Here’s the description: 

Operators adding HEVC to their delivery pipeline will have plenty of codec options, but who has the time to evaluate their features, output quality, and performance? No worries – codec specialist Jan Ozer has done the work for you, evaluating leading contenders like x265 and MainConcept, and sharing his results. You’ll walk away from this session with a much clearer picture of the strengths and weaknesses of your HEVC encoding options.

On Wednesday, March 1, at 11:30, I’ll provide an HEVC, H.264, and MPEG-DASH royalty update. Here’s the description. 

Ten years ago, to stream video, you needed to know how to encode to H.264 and configure Flash. Now you have to be a patent lawyer. The end of 2016 was brutal from a royalty perspective. MPEG LA did the unthinkable and launched a DASH patent pool, which will impact all OTT producers with more than 100,000 customers. Will they launch a similar pool for HLS using the same IP? Nokia sued Apple for H.264 patent infringement, asserting a novel theory that could enable royalties far beyond the $0.20/unit charged by MPEG LA and impact all producers using H.264. And in a rare act of sensibility, unfortunately unmatched by MPEG LA, HEVC Advanced waived royalties on certain classes of HEVC decoders. You can pay your patent attorney 1000 quid for an update, or watch Jan Ozer cover what’s known and what’s not on royalties for H.264, HEVC, and DASH.

Here’s a story in Streaming Media Europe with more detail about these sessions. 

I’ll also lead two roundtable discussions. The first is entitled Codecs and formats, 2017 at 14:30. Here’s the description. 

H.264, H.265, VP9, AV1 … Nobody said OTT video was easy, but these days it seems more complicated than it needs to be. Which codec is right for your business? Do you need to use more than one? Bring your questions for your peers and encoding expert Jan Ozer in this unique, free-wheeling roundtable discussion about the state of codecs and formats in 2017.

The second, at 15:30, is entitled, Roundtable: Royalties and licensing. Here’s the description:

With the announcement that MPEG-DASH will carry royalties, and the continued confusion over what the royalty picture will look like for HEVC, content publishers are making technology decisions hand-in-hand with business decisions. How are you dealing with the royalty quandary? Share your thoughts and experiences, and bring your questions for this roundtable discussion.

Here’s a part about the discount. If you enter priority code SPEAKER40 at Streaming Forum’s online registration, you’ll get a discount of 40%. Beyond the Streaming Forum itself, your registration entitles you to unlimited access to co-located BVE, the UK’s leading entertainment and media tech event.

The full Streaming Forum agenda and registration is available at: I hope to see you there. 

About Jan Ozer

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I help companies train new technical hires in streaming media-related positions; I also help companies optimize their codec selections and encoding stacks and evaluate new encoders and codecs. I am a contributing editor to Streaming Media Magazine, writing about codecs and encoding tools. I have written multiple authoritative books on video encoding, including Video Encoding by the Numbers: Eliminate the Guesswork from your Streaming Video ( and Learn to Produce Video with FFmpeg: In Thirty Minutes or Less ( I have multiple courses relating to streaming media production, all available at I currently work as as a Senior Director in Marketing.

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