An article I wrote for on how to create video emails just posted. Here’s the intro, which describes what’s in the article.
As more companies add video to their marketing and communications efforts, it’s natural to want to include videos in emails, or at least the appearance of videos in emails. To do so, you have two options. First is to include an image that looks like a video player in the email, with a link to the actual webpage where the video is embedded. The viewer clicks the image in the email, the browser opens, and the video starts to play. This technique has been the primary mechanism for delivering videos in emails (so to speak) for the last few years; it’s simple and it’s cheap, and I’ll explain how to do it yourself and discuss some third-party service provider options in the first part of this article.
Very recently, with the advent of HTML5 video playback in browsers and email clients, it’s become possible to actually play videos within an email without attaching them. Instead, they’re delivered via progressive download when the viewer clicks the play button. This is the second option.
The problem here is coverage: not all email clients or browsers can play a video, and those that do need an array of custom configurations. One service, VideoEmail, by LiveClicker, has solved the first problem by sending an animated GIF to email clients and browsers that can’t play video, or a thumbnail image to those that can’t play either video or animated GIFs. I spent some time with LiveClicker and I’ll explain how it works in the second half of this article.
Some interesting techniques covered, click here to read the article.