

Top Encoding-Related Articles on the Streaming Learning Center

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Live and VOD Bootcamps at Streaming Media Connect

I’m teaching two boot camps (virtually) at an upcoming Streaming Media Connect event, one for VOD and the other for live streaming; each costs $199. The courses are designed for newbies who need to get up to speed quickly on these topics. If the courses sound familiar, I taught both courses at Streaming Media West in October, though I’ve updated …

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AV1 Encoding with aomenc.exe, libaom-AV1, SVT-AV1, and Aurora1

While 2018 was the year AV1 became known, 2020 will be the year that AV1 became interesting, primarily because of three developments. First, in early 2020, AV1-enabled smart TVs hit the market, right on the 2-year schedule announced back in 2018 by the Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia). Second, over the past two years, encoding times for the AOMedia AV1 …

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Encoding VVC with Fraunhofer’s VVenC

For this review, I took a first look at encoding VVC (Ver­sa­tile Video Coding). Specifically, I compared Fraunhofer HHI’s implementation of the VVC codec (Versatile Video Encoder; VV­enC) against the Alliance for Open Media’s (AO­Media) aom­enc codec and the x.264 and x.265 codecs in FF­mpeg. I found VVenC to be simple to use and much faster than expected. Its output …

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Five Star Review for AV1 Encoding Course

Just a quick note to celebrate the first review of my Encoding with the AV1 Codec course ($99.95). By way of background, I designed the course to help familiarize students with the confusing array of AV1 encoding parameters and to offer sample command strings that I have proven over weeks of testing. In other words, to save time, which is …

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Streaming Media Bootcamps at Streaming Media University

I’m teaching two boot camps (virtually) at an upcoming Streaming Media University event, one for VOD and the other for live streaming; each costs $199. The courses are designed for newbies who need to get up to speed quickly on these topics. If the courses sound familiar, I did teach the same courses at the Streaming Media West event in …

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Encoding H.264-Advanced Topics

Recently I received a shortlist of compression-related questions from a consulting buddy; he’s always been gracious in answering my questions and I wanted to return the favor. Since he’s asking, I thought others might be curious as well; hence this blog post that largely incorporates my responses to his questions, all relating to encoding H.264 files. Here are the questions: …

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Catching Up with VVC

VVC is one of the three codecs to be launched by MPEG in 2020. I wrote about VVC extensively here (business side) and here (technical side), and wanted to provide some quick updates. By way of background, codecs have two sides, the performance side, and the business side. In this short article, I’ll address both. Fraunhofer’s VVenC Sets New Standards …

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How to Create a New Video Encoding Command String in 11 Simple Steps

I’ve spent the last two months testing four AV1 codecs accessible via command-line arguments and I start testing VVC codecs next week. Trying to fairly and accurately test the capabilities of these codecs turned out to be a pretty grueling and messy task. The key challenge, of course, was creating the optimal video encoding command string for each codec. While …

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Streaming Media Bootcamps at Streaming Media West

I’m teaching two boot camps (virtually) at Streaming Media West, one for VOD and the other for live streaming; each costs $199. The courses are designed for newbies who need to get up to speed quickly on these topics. Here’s the information for both. W1. Streaming Media Bootcamp, Part 1: Encoding, Packaging, And Delivery For VOD Monday, October 5: 8:00 …

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