Willie Sutton robbed banks because that’s where they kept the money. If you’re a video producer (or online reseller), consider a recent report from eMarketer that states that:
Online retail video brings products to life in a way that static images and text can’t, often providing the final push a consumer needs to make a purchase. No wonder the number of online shoppers who watch retail videos grew 40% in a year.
What’s that got to do with you? Well, if you sell products online, you better start adding videos of the products to your web sites. If you’re a video producer, you can probably use these stats to convince online retailers that they need to put videos on their web sites, with you as the producer, of course.
In either case, here are some resources that can help you get started:
At Amazon, New Product Shots: A Guide to Professional Lighting Techniques. I found some great tutorials on creating your own light box at Flikr, here, which referred me to another site called the Strobist, here. Some interesting blog posts, here. Most of these references are photo-related; here is a thread on the DV Magazine forums that might also be useful.
If you’re pitching potential retail clients, remember that they may have worked with still photographers in the past who know these techniques. If you don’t at least get familiar with concepts like light tables and such, you’re probably going to look like a novice, so do your research before you start pitching.