The course Encoding with the AV1 Codec has been updated with new instructions for SVT-AV1 1.0 and FFmpeg/libaom-AV1.
AV1 is a powerful codec but to optimize quality and performance, you have to choose the optimal preset and thread count and then navigate through obscure commands like auto-alt-ref, row-mt, tile columns/tile rows, and lag-in-frames. The course, Encoding with the AV1 Codec, provides research-based recommendations for all these encoding parameters to enable those encoding with FFmpeg/Libaom-AV1 and SVT-AV1 to quickly optimize their command strings for quality and efficiency.
Content includes charts like that shown below, which illustrates the tradeoff between encoding time, overall quality, and low-frame quality for different SVT-AV1 presets. Charts like this can take days of testing to prepare but remove the guesswork from choosing a preset and other parameters.
Other testing reveals the optimal thread count for cloud instances provisioned for an encoding farm. The course documents all key encoding parameters (see table of contents below), revealing the default setting for each parameter and how each switch impacts encoding quality and throughput.
The course has been updated for:
- New instruction for SVT-AV1 1.0
- Updated instruction for FFmpeg/Libaom-AV1
- A quality comparison between SVT-AV1 1.0 and Libaom-AV1
- Updated status of the AV1 codec
This AV1 encoding course presents all parameters for SVT-AV1 and Libaom-AV1 as separate lessons, so learners can pick and choose the configuration options to focus on. Or, learners in a hurry can simply jump to the final command string and start encoding. The course includes over 30 lessons and over two hours of video and costs $99.95.
Click the course emblem below to jump to the course page and view more course details.