Dynamic Packaging is a technique that can save encoding and storage costs for video producers that distribute two or more ABR formats, like DASH, HLS, Smooth Streaming, or even RTMP.
In this interview, Softvelum CEO Yury Udovichenko discusses how his flagship product, Nimble Streamer, can deploy Dynamic Packaging for VOD, Live, VOD Remote HTTP Origin, and DVR applications. The interview provides a good understanding of the principles involved which are similar if you’re using Nimble Streamer, Wowza, or other open-source or commercial tools (e.g. it’s a good learning experience, not a sales pitch).
For more on Dynamic Packaging, you can check out the course Encoding and Packaging for Multiple Screen Delivery here, which has a separate lesson on dynamic packaging. (There’s the sales pitch. :-))
Here’s the interview.