

First Review of FFmpeg Book is Up on Amazon

It took awhile, but the first review of my book, Learn to Produce Videos with FFmpeg: In Thirty Minutes or Less, is up on Amazon. Here’s the key comment. “Everything here is already available on the net. But this is much easier. Worth the price just to have it all in one place. Easy to read and understand. Does not go …

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Download Handout and View Streaming Tech Sweden Keynote

I’m so excited to be at Stockholm speaking at Streaming Tech Sweden. My keynote address is entitled Codecs in 2018 and Beyond, and I discuss the future of H.264, HEVC, VP9, AV1, PERSEUS and Divideon xvc. The event producer, Eyevinn Technologies, has graciously approved my publishing the handout, which you can download below. Here’s the video on YouTube. Streaming Tech Sweden_Ozer_final

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Download Handouts and Watch Videos from Streaming Media West

Just back from Streaming Media West in Huntington Beach, where I participated in seven presentations over three days. Handouts are up and ready for your download, and the videos are up as well. Three of these presentations, on FFmpeg, HEVC/HLS, and latency, were co-produced by David Hassoun and Jun Heider from the RealEyes consultancy, which serves clients like NBC, ESPN, MLBAM, Adobe, and …

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AV1 No Shows At Streaming Media West; Better in Stockholm?

I’ve been bullish on AV1 since the start, but I’m starting to think the codec is both farther away and less useful than I initially thought. Here’s what’s happening. For Streaming Media East in June 2017, an AV1 member encoded four videos, totaling about 8.5 minutes, to five data rates each for 720p, 1080p, and 4K, and the output quality …

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Download Handout for Reducing Latency and Startup Times

Here’s the description; download the handout below. C203 – How To: Reducing Latency and Startup Times Low latency and fast startup times are KPIs for most streaming video producers, particularly for live events. Though a series of structured tests that measure startup time, latency, and network overhead, this session documents the results achieved by reducing fragment sizes, using hybrid fragment …

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Download Per-Title Encoding Handout

Here’s the description: download handout below: Per-title encoding techniques customize the encoding ladder to match the encoding complexity of the source, saving bandwidth on easy-to-compress videos and ensuring the quality of more complex footage. This session compares the efficiency, implementation issues, and costs of multiple commercially available and open-source alternatives, like Capella Systems Cambria Encoder, compression optimization from multiple vendors, …

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D105 – HOW TO: Comparing AV1, VP9, HEVC, & H.264

Here’s the description; download link below. Many content distributors and aggregators still use H.264 as their primary, if not exclusive codec, but the bandwidth savings incident to newer, more powerful codecs are alluring. Those considering a switch must evaluate at least three options; HEVC, VP9, and the Alliance for Open Media’s AV1 codec, which should be close to release by …

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D103 – HOW TO: Building a More Robust Cloud Encoder With FFMPEG & More

Here’s the video and description; download handout below. With the speed of technology today, one of the most important parts of the software is adaptability. By taking control of your own encoding and packaging, you can greatly reduce cost and maintain high adaptability and agility to meet your needs now and in the future. When working with cloud encoding, there …

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LS101 – Technologies for Live Streaming to Multiple Platforms

Here’s the session description; download the handout below. Streaming to one live streaming service is so 2016. Today, in addition to streaming to your own website or app, you may want to distribute your live stream to multiple other outlets like Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Livestream, Twitter, or Twitch. Fortunately, there are a variety of products and services that enable …

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W4: Encoding Live and VOD for HEVC/HLS

Here’s the description; you can download the handout below. Apple’s support for HEVC in HLS is a ground-breaking event that opens up hundreds of millions of HEVC capable players. If supporting this spec is on your short-term development schedule, you’ll want to check out this workshop. The workshop starts by reviewing the new spec and sharing playback details, like how …

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