

Upcoming Training for Streaming Production

Here are descriptions of the two courses I’ll be teaching in a few days on streaming media production.  Streaming Media East will be held online, with five 3-hour pre-conference training sessions that cost $199 each and a robust assortment of free 1-hour sessions. Here are the titles, dates, and times of the pre-conference sessions I’ll be teaching plus a short …

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Online Training for Streaming Production, Cloud-based Streaming, and FFmpeg

Streaming media production and delivery has become even more critical over the last few months; here’s an opportunity to boost your skills and knowledge via live online training by recognized industry experts.  I’m sad that Streaming Media East won’t be held in Boston as planned; I really enjoy those shows. However, Streaming Media East will be held online, with five …

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New Five-Star Review for FFmpeg Book

One thing that never gets old is a five-star review on Amazon. I just received another one for my book, Learn to Produce Video with FFmpeg: In Thirty Minutes or Less (2018 Edition), which is available on Amazon ($34.95) and for PDF download ($29.95). In this review from a verified purchaser, the customer said: “I would consider this book a …

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Tuning for Metrics: What About VMAF and VP9?

If you’re comparing codecs with video quality metrics, you should consider tuning for that metric. However, x264 and x265 don’t have a VMAF tuning option. According to my analysis, it appears that tuning for PSNR is the best option and one you should strongly consider. When working with VP9, there’s an additional complication; tuning for PSNR doesn’t appear to work.  …

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Encoding VP9 in FFmpeg: An Update

This is a long post only of interest to those attempting to optimize their VP9 encodes. The three key takeaways are 1) use the command script shown on the bottom of the page, 2) a speed setting of 2 offers the optimal quality/performance tradeoff, and 3) the row-mt setting improves performance significantly with zero quality loss when multiple unused cores …

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VMAF is Hackable: What Now?

Just a quick note to let you know about some recent findings relating to the Netflix VMAF metric. By way of background, VMAF launched in June 2016 as the metric that powered Netflix’s per-title encoding engine, replacing PSNR. The fact that Netflix created and used VMAF gave the metric tremendous credibility and because Netflix open-sourced VMAF it was quickly added …

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Lesson of the Week: Computing VMAF with FFmpeg

This lesson teaches you how to compute VMAF with FFmpeg. It includes a download link to a specially compiled version of FFmpeg that can compute VMAF and to a zipped file that contains the batch files and input/output files shown in the lesson. I’m adding it as a lesson to my course Computing and Using Video Quality Metrics. If you’re …

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FFmpeg to the Rescue: Decoding Files into RAM for Decode Testing

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The Ten Most Popular Articles from 2019

It’s always good to review which articles readers found valuable over the past year to help focus on producing similar content in the future. By publishing the top ten, hopefully, those reading this article will see some articles they might find useful. So, without further ado, here were the top ten articles from the Streaming Learning Center blog in 2019. …

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Using a Simple Wildcard Command in FFmpeg

Author’s note: This is a very simple automation technique for FFmpeg beginners. I’m sure there are much more efficient ways to script this project, but this represents my baby steps in FFmpeg automation. I recently started a consulting project that involved encoding multiple files to multiple CRF values to create rate-distortion curves and BD-Rate computations. I’m testing three codecs with …

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